Whyte Stephen
Beauty has been used as a fast and frugal heuristic, and therefore an important determinantof choice, as highlighted in research by Hamermesh. In a world of asymmetric information, beauty represents a proxy for objective characteristics or ...
Can Psychological Traits Explain Mobility
Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
The current COVID-19 pandemic is a global exogenous shock, impactingindividuals’ decision making and behavi our allowing researchers to test theories of personality by exploring how traits, in conjunction with individual and societal diff...
The external influence of scholarly activity has to date been measured primarily in terms ofpublications and citations, metrics that also dominate the promotion and grant processes. Yet the array of scholarly activities visible to the outsi...
Selection Criteria in the Search
for a Sperm Donor:
Internal Versus External Attributes
Despite extensive literature on female mate choice, empirical evidenceon women’s preferences in the search for a sperm donor is scarce, even though this search, by isolating a male’s genetic impact on offspring from other factors like p...
External prominence (measured by the number of pages indexed on search engines or TED talk invitations) canbe capitalized on the speakers' market while research performance (measured by publication and citation indicators) cannot. There is ...
The external influence of scholarly activity has to date been measured primarily interms of publications and citations, metrics that also dominate the promotion and grant processes. Yet the array of scholarly activities visible to the outsi...