Schreyer Dominik
Who gets promoted to the top? Nuanced personality and psychosocial trait differences in highly structured work environments: Evidence from German professional female athletes
Despite a solid foundation of women’s career progression research, the role of personality andpsychosocial characteristics in explaining objective career success is not yet fully understood. Structural underrepresentation of female execut...
Awards are career catalysts for young talents in highly competitive job markets
Despite the potential importance of awards as a possible career catalyst, the theoretical andempirical research on awards is still in its infancy. Here, we address this notable shortcoming in the economic literature by exploring data from G...
Football spectator no-show behavior in Switzerland:
Empirical evidence from season ticket holder behavior
For football executives, understanding the determinants of spectator no-showbehavior better is of utmost importance. Recent research efforts, however, have primarily focused on exploring the potential effects of determinants that the club m...
Using reminders with different reward opportunities to reduce no-show behavior:
Empirical evidence from a large-scale field experiment in professional sport
Because no-show behavior typically leads to operational inefficiencies and thus diminishingreturns for service firms, a growing number of authors have demonstrated the potential of using reminders to reduce no-show rates. In this study, by ...
Psychological pressure and the right to determine the moves in dynamic
tournaments – Evidence from a natural field experiment
In this paper, we show that the right to determine the sequence of moves in a dynamic teamtournament improves the chances of winning the contest. Because studying dynamic team tournaments – like R&D races – with interim feedback is diff...
Any Given Sunday: How Season Ticket Holders› Time of Stadium Entrance Is Influenced by Outcome Uncertainty
This paper constitutes a unique micro-level exploration of the relation between gameoutcome uncertainty and the behavior of highly committed season ticket holders of a major Bundesliga soccer team. Specifically, we look at 3,113 season tick...