Osterloh Margit

Am Beispiel der Schweizer Justizinitiative zeigen wir auf, dass eine qualifizierte Losauswahlkeineswegs irrational ist, sondern zu ei ner Rationalität auf einer übergeordneten, institutionellen Ebene führen kann. Sie erhöht die Wahrsche...
Women remain underrepresented at the upper echelons. An aversion to competition has beensuggested as a factor that discourages women from applying for top jobs. This paper reviews the research showing that high-ability females compete less ...
We propose an immigration policy based the model of cooperatives. Incoming migrants haveto acquire a participation certificate. In exchange, the immigrants may enter the country of choice without danger. The revenue goes to the country of t...
Research rankings based on publications and citations today dominategovernance of academia. Yet they have unintended side effects on individual scholars and academic institutions and can be counterproductive. They induce a substitution of t...
Management research has long focused on for-profitorganizations that produce privately owned resources based on central authority and within well-defined boundaries. In recent times, a new kind of enterprise has emerged that we call Communi...
Academic rankings today are the backbone of research governance, which seem to fit theaims of "new public management" on the one side and the idea of the "republic of science" on the other side. Nevertheless rankings recently came under scr...
The most influential approach of corporate governance, the view of shareholders supremacy does not take into consideration that the key task of modern corporations is to generate and transfer firm-specific knowledge. It proposes that, in or...
Corporate scandals are reflected in excessive top management compensation and fraudulent accounts. These scandals cause an enormous amount of damage, not only to the companies affected, but also to the market economy as a whole. As a soluti...
Corporate scandals, reflected in excessive management compensation and fraudulent accounts, cause considerable damage. Agency theory?s insistence on linking the compensation of managers and directors as closely as possible to firm performan...
The most influential theory of corporate governance, principal agency theory, does not take into consideration that the key task of modern corporations is to generate and transfer firm-specific knowledge. It proposes that, in order to overc...